Oil Re- Refining in Storage Tank

Vacuum System :
The Vacuum system is normally provided with roots rotary combination. Cascading with condenser / oil chilling system, water reserve tank and condenser in-between.

Fully programmable variable vacuum system can be added as an option to enable the vacuum system to increase and decrease the vacuum level at different point during frying process.

The water reserve tank is constructed in stainless steel. The temperature of the same is controlled by thermostat providing the chilling system. On demand, chilling system can be provided with stand by compressed unit.

Oil Storage Tank:

Oil storage tank are divided in two parts.


1) R. O. S. T. (Raw Oil Storage Tank) :

R.O. S. T. is provided with oil indicator, level indicator, centrifugal pump, ball valve. The raw oil to the shop floor is stored before processing. The interconnection pipeline is made in between filter plant and R.O.S.T.


2) P.O.S.T. (Process Oil Storage Tank) :

P.O.S.T. is provided with heating arrangement controlled by thyristor / thermostat. The electric heating is wired equally on three groups with continuity to secure to phase failure.

Heating systems help the process oil to maintain at particular temperature. Before use, The P.O.S.T. is also connected to vacuum system with condenser in-between. The degassing column provided on the P.O.S.T. helps to store oil free of gas. The pump provided with the P.O.S.T., help to circulate oil through the degassing column on the P.O.S.T.





FAN: Tee fan motors are CEE DEE design. Fully enclosed, external seal, free water cooled, low maintenance unit. The RPM of the fan can also be control. Fans provided in the system can be interlocked with doors, temperature, control process and fix time period.

BLOWER : Numbers of blowers are decided or design by CEE DEE specialist. According to the Chamber size, they are mounted externally with ducting properly insulated. They are also interlock with temperature, door etc. function/ operate to its optimum level.





Oil Filter Machine:

The oil treatment stations work on the principle of high vacuum low temperature. The system is provided with the roots rotary combination. The raw oil from the R.O.S.T. (Raw Oil Storage Tank) is treated / Purified through the system and store in P.O.S.T. (Process Oil Storage Tank

Oil Filling System :

The Oil filling in instrument transformer distribution, transformer, power transformer can be achieving under vacuum. Various sensors, oil totaliser can be provided as an accessory to fill oil under vacuum with majored quantity. The sight glass provided on the system help to monitor the status inside the chamber during process

Control Panel :

CEE DEE" provides dedicated control panel systems with an option of independent programmer and controller interface to a computer based monitoring package(SCADA). For ease of data input, curve profile generation (Graph), data analysis of curve profiles. Data logger, password protection on different levels (Manager level, Supervisor level, Worked level etc.) Controller can also be provided with web connectivity which help to transmit data to long distance PC, pt. temperature recorder, vacuum recorder, process recorder etc, with colour inkjet print can also be provided on customer demand.





Internal Air Circulation :

The Internal hot air circulation for Drying plant chamber is calculated on internal volume of the system. This is achieved by utilizing a tailored fan (blower and scroll arrangement which directs the air int o the heating ducts
and over the heating tubes to ensure to efficient heat transfer. The airflow is deflected around the internal wall

To flow over the component to the center the vassel into the eye of the fan. In a continuous sycle giving a repeatedly moving D controlled air flow..

Loading & Handling System:

Vacuum drying plant can be provided with rails fitting accommodate loading trolleys for movement of job. Trolley can be moved automativally / Manually depending on the load and customer demand.